The assembly of the Northern Province voted the resolution granting a partial guarantee to SMSP for the new loan to finance its participation in the Northern Plant construction. For the Northern Province, the success of the SMSP in the Northern Plant project is the insurance to pursue, by rising dividends, its development policy in favor...
SMSP / POSCO partnership decides to proceed to the expansion of its ferronickels production capacity. The SNNC Plant, with a nominal capacity of 30,000 tons of nickel metal contained in ferronickels, will increase its capacity of 24,000 additional tons, that is to say a total capacity of 54,000 tons. A second line, comprising a new...
The presidential visit to Vavouto tended to reaffirm the principle of respect for equal opportunities, the French State on-going support to the project and the need for the stability of the joint venture capital investment, in charge of the construction of the Northern Plant. The Païta speech was rather an assessment, measuring the path performed...
Jean-Louis Jiako Technician Geologist at Kouaoua, Judicaël Wamo, Storekeeper at Poya and Sylvio N’Gaiohny, Assistant mining designer at the Noumea Technical Division lately seconded to KNS will leave New Caledonia in the next few days for training under “Cadre Avenir” Training Scheme. Employees’ applications were selected within the “Cadre Avenir” scheme’s internal selection process, after...
Wednesday 10th August, during the plenary session of the Economic and Social Council held in Thio on the SLN mining centre, Dominique Nacci, Vice President of the Mine, Metallurgy and Energy Committee, has presented a restitution of the 4th Industrial Strategic Committee meeting held in Paris, and has further explained the mining resources calculation, the...
During this committee KNS has presented the general advancement of the project (including Hygiene, Safety & Environmental issues, the rump up and work in progress of the construction, human ressources and social and environmental initiatives). The Cellule Koniambo unit has presented the current situation on the demobilisation of subcontractors working on public works and an...
The implementation of the double shift has allowed NMC to reach the objective of production, that is 1.763.986 tonnes of saprolite ore, with the creation of 118 additional jobs in mining sites. The volume of nickel metal contained in ferronickel produced by SNNC in 2010 is 20.512 tonnes with sales to POSCO reaching 21.388 tonnes.
André DANG intervened immediately after the opening speech of the President of New Caledonian Government, Philippe GOMES, to address the “perspectives and strategies” of the Caledonian nickel. A significant noticed speech on the control, the development and the optimization of the country’s mining resources. André DANG’s speech
Signing of the loan with « Financière Océor » (Caisse d’Epargne and BNC group) and « BRED Banque Populaire » for the financing of the construction works of the North Plant via SMSP. Thanks to the industrial partnership with the world leader of stainless steel POSCO and the launching of the Gwangyang processing Plant in...
“The word given” is a 52 minute documentary film carried out by Cinead that recalls the history of a mining company celebrating today its eighteen springs, a company which then had neither property nor mining title, that many thought dedicated to bankruptcy and which, eighteen years later, enters into the protected field of metallurgy. “The...