Cotransmine Kouaoua Site has received its new loading platform. Brand new, it comprises a 12 meters long berthing platform and a gateway dimensioned for the access of a vehicle. The completion of the wharf construction works marks the third and final phase of Kouaoua marine base’s overall rehabilitation works, launched in 2012, with the refurbishment...
At the request of its Steering Committee, MEDEF-NC has organized in May, a series of conferences, with support of its mining and industrial nickel operators and associate members, to share their actual operations state of affairs and their business strategies. It is a series of conferences, intended only for MEDEF-NC associate members The conferences were...
Thursday, April 28, in response to the invitation of the New Caledonia Federation of Industries (FINC), André DANG, SMSP CEO, along with Marcel THOMAS, SMSP Secretary General, Karl THERBY, SOFINOR Chief Financial Officer and Laurent FOGLIANI, Director of Communications at KNS, took turns at the microphone, to introduce the various operation activities and financial results...
SMSP was invited to an information meeting organized by the Comité de soutien pour la doctrine nickel (Nickel Doctrine Support Committee), held on Wednesday February 24, in the auditorium of Koné’s new cultural complex. More than 200 people came to listen and follow SMSP presentation, including the financial results of mining and metallurgical subsidiaries of...
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 14:30 the Koniambo Nickel’s Team conducted the first casting of Furnace n°1, after its rebuilding, during which operation 45 tons of ferronickel were produced on the Vavouto Industrial Site. The Furnace n°1 was shut down in 26 December 2014, due to a molten metal leakage. After investigations, the Koniambo Nickel...
Cotransmine the SMSP Shipping Company has been delivered two new tug boats intended for Kouaoua and Nakéty operating centers. Currently both centers perform loading operations with two tug boats, i.e. Claude II and Pierre Edouard and 5 barges including 3 leased to a North Province shipping company. The new tugs are named after Bogota and...
Souviens-toi (Remember)! It’s the official motto, and the headline of a Review whose first edition was published in November, to commemorate the three men Pidjot. Roch is Plilemon’s big brother, himself father of Raphael. They come from the Pidjot Customary Clan, one of the eight clans that make up this tribe in the city. They...
June 11, 2015, Koniambo Nickel received 3 dumpers of 150-tons loading capacity, relieved by the Port Teams with the assistance of Komatsu’s Technical Staff. It was an outstanding and impressive operation, taking into account the size of the parts to be unloaded from the ore carrier’s holds. As a result, Koniambo Nickel becomes the first...
SMSP has organized along with the New Caledonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Economic Rendezvous Event which was held on June 4, 2015, at the Noumea CCI Conference Room. During this forum, André Dang Van Nha and his team have presented various headlines including the company’s history, its long term industrial strategy, the development...
Established in September 1990, Sofinor is a semi-public company and the economic tool which has enabled the Northern Province to repurchase SMSP Company. Sofinor is owned by the Northern Province with 85% shares while 15% are owned by four SAEML including Sud minier, côte océanienne, Grand Nord et espaces de l’Ouest. In December 2013, the...