SMSP Group is involved: the UNiTE to End Violence Against Women Movement

The United Nations’ Orange the World global campaign

For the first time this year SMSP Group is involved in the United Nations’ Orange the World global campaign. A 16 days campaign targeting fighting against violence against women and girls in the world.

> HISTORY: Where did the Orange the World Campaign begin?

Born in 1991, the UNiTE to End Violence Against Women Movement is now in its 30th year of activism.

In 2014, the orange color, symbolising a better future without violence, became the campaign color, which started on 25 November. For 16 days, the aim is to show our engagement and solidarity to the elimination of all forms of violence against women.

From 25 November to 10 December, private, public and civil society actors around the world will be involved, during 16 days, in a drive to end violence against women and girls. 

This year, SMSP Group is committed alongside its subsidiaries, Koniambo Nickel – KNS, Nickel Mining Company – NMC, Société du nickel de Calédonie et Corée – SNNC and Cotransmine.

Its KNS Subsidiary, has already proudly demonstrated its commitment on at least three occasions, in 2015, 2018 and 2019. A visual event, but above all an opportunity for KNS, which currently employs 27% women among its 1,200 employees, to consolidate the dialogue and ensure the improvement of the women’s working conditions. This approach also concerns women within its subcontracting companies.

Currently NMC has 33% women among its more than 600 employees. And it is increasingly common to see women among subcontractors.

> Women in New Caledonia (ISEE 2020 data)

According to recent data, women in New Caledonia represent 50% of the total population from age 15 and over.

Out of this figure, 47% are in employment and 9.5% are students.

Moreover, it is interesting to note that, rather than men, women keep their jobs in 2020.

Therefore women represent a living force in the territory, responsible for the creation of wealth, activities and even more opportunities through the example they set on a daily basis.

And yet, New Caledonia is also a territory with worrying statistics regarding the safety of women:

19% In 2017, this was the number of women who were physically assaulted by their (ex-) spouse
1 233 In 2018, this figure represents complaints of domestic violence (more than 3 complaints per day)
6 times
More assaults on women than in mainland France.
14,6% In 2019, increased rate in domestic violence

Being committed to women’s protection is not an obligation, it is not a marketing tool, it is a duty.

With its subsidiaries in the territory and in South Korea, SMSP shows its support engagement and organises:

  • The production of a short film to raise awareness about violence.
  • Workshops on the sites led by a public institution helping women in difficulty, an occupational physician and a lawyer.
  • Gatherings to take aerial photos of employees forming the symbol of the woman.
  • The circulation of a toy bear symbol on the sites.

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