Raising awareness of healthier eating is one of the main areas of prevention that Cotransmine has chosen to pursue in the context of CHSCT for the year 2022. The management has indeed observed the weight gain in recent years of several of its employees and the overweight for some that led to health problems.
A first awareness-raising day was planned on Wednesday, 6 July at its site in Numbo (Ducos, Nouméa), in partnership with the New Caledonia Health and Social Agency (ASS-NC). The objective is to inform staff about good and bad eating habits and the consequences for their health.
The morning was devoted to an “overweight prevention” meeting hosted by Dick FOREST, Public Health Project Manager at ASS-NC. The focus was on energy balance with a round table discussion of the consequences of overweight: diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease, kidney failure. Not to mention the psychological and social impact of this disease in a society very focused on the cult of slimness. “According to a survey, in 2015, in New Caledonia, 68% of adults are overweight worldwide between 18 and 65 years of age, 30% are overweight and 38% are obese,” says Dick. Depending on our lifestyle and eating habits, the body reacts differently and it is important to adapt its behavior to be in good physical and mental health.
The second part of the day was dedicated to putting into practice with a cooking workshop led by the dietician, Heiti MATA. The latter, which is involved for the first time in the private sector of maritime transport, indicates that there are more and more requests for intervention in food. The participants discovered in a practical way, how to combine the pleasure of taste and health through the production of mosses (sardine, tuna) as well as yogurt sauces that can accompany a sandwich. This is an opportunity for Heiti to point out that the good functioning of the human body, generally good health, is the result of an appropriate intake of nutrients, a proper balance and a suitable food rhythm. “Awareness of its upstream diet is a necessary work to set its goals” says Heiti. You can change your habits, just want to!
Yvannick BOILOA
“This awareness taught me so much, it was really interesting, especially about different foods and eating habits. I realize that you get into the habit of eating anything no matter how. For my part, I do have habits to change, starting with soft drinks which quickly become additive because of the sugar they contain.
We don’t eat anymore because we are hungry, but just to fill a void, whereas eating well is for health, to avoid diabetes, cholesterol or other diseases. For example, I didn’t know that eating too much red meat could lead to dialysis, or that the BMI (Body Mass Index) could be used to assess body size. Besides, I’m curious to know mine.
I also notice that people tend to eat quickly during work when the rhythm is so important, you have to take the time to eat and digest otherwise the body stores and the weight increases. I am motivated to prepare small balanced dishes, and I would certainly do the recipes that we have made. The most important thing is to take care of yourself, because health is life!”
This day, welcomed by the employees, will be renewed on 1 August, 13 and 28 September in Numbo so that all permanent staff can participate. A workshop is also planned in Kaala-Gomen by the end of the year.